Looking for content to support the Treaty of Versailles cosplay?
A few recommendations, first, some eCollections purchased by the library:
- For international primary sources the First World War digital archive.
- For biographical research, the Biography Database : Over 435,000 biographies compiled from a variety of reference texts.
- For newspaper research from the time period: Illustrated London News, London Times, U.S. Newspapers 1851 -2004.
Free on the web:
- This German-based (with 50 international contributors) WWI database just launched last month (it got some good reviews in the library media): http://www.1914-1918-online.net/
- Europe’s digital library (digitized content from Europe’s libraries, museums and archives) : http://www.europeana.eu/
- Includes a WWI specific portal this past Spring (includes contributed content from DPLA, below): http://www.europeana1914-1918.eu/en
- Digital Public Library of American (digitized content from U.S libraries, museums and archives) : http://www.dp.la/
Questions? Comments? Please be in touch! Ms. Sanborn

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