Choosing from the TBR List

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It is summer reading time, perhaps, just maybe, our favorite time of the year!  The days are longer, the weather is nicer, and we have just a little more time to put our feet up and read.  But what to choose?  We all have our go-to summer reading genres, but it is also the perfect time to peruse our (very long) TBR lists. We all have them, books that we have been meaning to read, but somehow never get to. Well, now is the time!

In fact, during this year’s Book Bingo, the Ohrstrom librarians all managed to mark off the “A book you’ve been meaning to read” square and subtract at least one title from our own TBR lists!  We read:

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Lake People by Abi Maxwell

The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins

Chlorine by Jade Song

Raising Good Humans by Hunter Clarke-Fields

The library reopens on Monday June 24th for the 67th session of the Advanced Studies Program. Come on in and pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read!

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