Climate Fiction for EcoFest!

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Eco-Fest is a long-standing SPS tradition, with mentions in The Pelican as far back as the 1970’s. To quote Mr. Babladelis, Eco Action advisor, it is the School’s annual celebration of “all things bright, beautiful, and sustainable”. The event fits in well with Eco Action’s mission of educating the SPS community about sustainability on campus and climate issues in the real world.

This year’s Eco-Fest will be held on Sunday, October 13th from 1-3 on the Chapel and Graduation Lawns. And this year, Ohrstrom Library will have a table! Swing by to see Ms. Jache – she will have books on gardening and plants, as well as fun Eco-inspired buttons. In the same Eco-spirit, we have also pulled together a list of climate fiction titles – drop by the library to check one out today!

Eco-Fest, 40 years ago (The Pelican, 8 October 1984)

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