Lisa Laughy – Archives Assistant
The Historic Postcard online exhibit has now been updated to reflect the redesign of the Ohrstrom Library website. Originally created in 2006, the exhibit has a new look as well as some new features.
Here is a description of the exhibit excerpted from the “About” page:
The SPS Historical Postcard exhibit presents images of St. Paul’s School from the late 1800s to the present. The scenes and buildings depicted by these postcards provide glimpses of the School as it has grown and changed over the decades. Images of vanished buildings, unfamiliar perspectives on buildings still in service, and of the School’s changing landscape (for example, the School’s stately elm trees from the days before Dutch Elm disease) offer an evocative mixture of the familiar and the unfamiliar, and invite us to view the School today with a fresh perspective.
The exhibit contains 79 postcard images gathered from the SPS Archives and loaned by friends of St. Paul’s School. It includes individual pages for each postcard and a slideshow of all 79 postcard images. Images are of vistas of years past, including familiar as well as “vanished” buildings.
Read more about the Postcard Exhibit HERE.
Access the Postcard Exhibit Galleries and Slideshow HERE.
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