Accessing eBooks at Ohrstrom

Ohrstrom Library provides access to an ever-growing collection of eBooks.  The library currently has 86,000+ eBooks available, all with unlimited simultaneous user access. There are two methods of locating eBooks: using the online catalog or by visiting any of the … Continued

New Research Guide: Humanities V

A new Humanities V research guide is available for those writing the Humanities V research paper.  Use this guide to identify useful reference sources, recommended library catalog searches, newspaper, magazine and journal articles, as well as online primary source collections.  … Continued

3,000 Plus (More!) eBooks: NetLibrary

Ohrstrom Library recently purchased 3,000+ eBooks from Netlibrary. To search the full-text of these eBooks, simply visit Netlibrary HERE. Records for all of Ohrstrom’s eBooks are included in the library’s online catalog, located HERE. Tip: Searching the catalog will search … Continued

Project Muse @ Ohrstrom Library

Ohrstrom Library is pleased to announce the addition of 400 new journals to our digital holdings. Project Muse contains the full-text of 400 journals covering research in the Humanities, Arts, Sciences, International Studies and Social Sciences. A complete title list … Continued