April 3, 1926
Skipping School: The most popular pastime now current in the school is skipping rope. The fad started in the Middle but now everyone from the Lower Schoolers to the dignified Sixth Formers may be seen skipping merrily in the gymnasium … Continued
How to Cite an eBook that is Only Available on an eReader
When citing an eBook that is only available on an eReader (meaning, an eBook that does not present its text on the web nor within a web-based database) include at the end of the citation the file name. If the … Continued
New Reference Book: Gender and Women’s Leadership
Gender and Women’s Leadership edited by Karen O’Conner, Sage, 2010. Find it in Ohrstrom at: REF 305.4 OC5G This 2 volume set looks at the “…role leaders play in all facets of human activity…” (xiii). Most of the 101 entries … Continued
March 26, 1894
The fragrance of spring: Another school record broken! A flower in full blossom (the skunk cabbage) was found by a botany walk on March 15. This is the earliest date on which a flower has been found during the School’s … Continued
ebrary eBook Reader – There’s an App for that!
ebrary recently released an app for iOS devices. After downloading the app, one can then download & read offline, up to 10 ebrary ebooks for up to 2 weeks. Ohrstrom Library’s ebrary collection currently contains 72,000 ebooks, predominantly academic titles … Continued