October 31, 1919
An old chestnut: It is many years since the chestnuts have been so plentiful as they have been of late. If the old weather predictions are true, this fact should presage a hard winter. Everybody will pray devoutly that such … Continued
Ave, avis obscura! – A Horae Halloween
In the spirit of All Hallows’ Evening, the following excerpt from the October 31, 1925 edition of the Horae Scholasticae, called The Horae Owl, is reprinted below : Ave, avis obscura! Hail, bird of darkness! Once more, high upon the cabinet, perches … Continued
New Reference Book: Fashion, Costume and Culture
Fashion, Costume and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the Ages edited by Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, UXL, 2004. Find it in Ohrstrom at: REF 391 P37F This five volume set discusses and presents global fashion and … Continued
November 30, 1893
Steered in the right direction: On October 25th an exhibition of trained steers was given on the Lower Grounds by Miss Pierce.
New Research Guide: Latin I
A new Latin I research guide is available for those working on the Latin I research project. Use this guide to identify and review: useful eReference sources, recommended library catalog searches, ArtStor (image source) and Noodlebib citation tutorials. Please feel … Continued