New Reference Book: Public Health in the 21st Century
Public Health in the 21st Century edited by Madelon L. Finkel, CQ Press, 2011. Find it in Ohrstrom at: REF 610 F49P This three volume set presents topics,themes and concepts relevant to international and domestic public health. Each volume focuses … Continued
October 17, 1901
Warm news: The water supplying the shower baths at the Lower Grounds was warmed for the first time on Monday, September 30.
New Archives Exhibit: In Celebration of Cricket
A new archives exhibit is in place in Ohrstrom Library and a new online exhibit is now available through the Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. A selection of photographs are on display in the library on the upper level display cases … Continued
New Reference Book: The Routledge Companion to Ethics
The Routledge Companion to Ethics edited by John Skorupski, Routledge, 2010. Find it in Ohrstrom at: REF 170 Sk5R A hefty single volume offering multiple essays in six major areas of ethics: History Meta-ethics Ideas and Methods from Outside … Continued
April 5th, 1920
Tractor attraction: To judge from the crowds of spectators assembled, one of the most marvelous spectacles of modern days is the School tractor. . . While no exact count of the observers was kept, it may be safely estimated that … Continued