June 6, 1928
Shy swans and daring ducks: Owing to an aversion to publicity, the new swans have not ventured away from the extreme upper recesses of the School Pond. The ducks, on the other hand, have been so hungry that they have … Continued
New Research Guide: Artificial Intelligence
A new Artificial Intelligence research guide is available for those working on the Artificial Intelligence research project. Use this guide to identify useful eReference sources, recommended library catalog searches, newspaper, magazine and journal articles, as well as online sources. Please … Continued
New Reference Book: A History of the U.S. Political System
A History of the U.S. Political System edited by Richard A. Harris and Daniel J. Tichenor, ABC-CLIO, 2010. Find it in Ohrstrom at: REF 320.973 H24 Divided in to seven major sections, this three-volume set discusses and describes the historical … Continued
May 4, 1935
A note about a fortunate squirrel: A baby squirrel is now enjoying all the benefits of civilization on the second floor of the New Upper. And a not so fortunate one: The Shattucks rudely evicted a little flying squirrel who … Continued
Nugalia: Introduction
St. Paul’s School’s Horae Scholasticae is the oldest school or college literary magazines in continuous publication in the United States, the first issue having appeared on June 1, 1860. Prior to the publication of the Alumni Horae in 1921 and … Continued