Reading up on Current Events: Spotlight on CQ Researcher
Lura Sanborn – Reference Librarian Interested in spending some of your time during the break to catch up on current events? This news database accessible through the Ohrstrom Library website is a valuable source of information about current events. CQ … Continued
New Reference Book: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
Lura Sanborn – Reference Librarian The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics edited by David R. Henderson, Liberty Fund, Inc., 2008. Find it in Ohrstrom at: REF 330 C74 Interested in expanding your economic understanding? This encyclopedia provides essay length articles on … Continued
New Book Display: Graphic Novels
Lisa Laughy -Archives Assistant In response to growing student interest, Ohrstrom Library is expanding its collection of graphic novels. The library staff is celebrating the influx of these engaging new books with a colorful display in the Baker Reading Room … Continued
Schlesinger Visitor: Jonah Lehrer
This evening at 6:15 Schlesinger Visitor Jonah Lehrer will be giving a lecture in Hargate. Here is what he says about himself on his blog: “I’m an editor-at-large for Seed Magazine. I graduated from Columbia University in 2003, and spent … Continued
New Book Display: Sowing the Seeds of Change
Lisa Laughy – Archives Assistant Guest bloggers Mary Schone ’10 and Grier Stockman ’09 worked with Library Assistant Ms. MacLeod to put together a special book display now on view in the Baker Reading Room. Both Mary and Grier attended … Continued