New Trial: Science in Context
Love the Global Issues in Context database? Enjoy GreenR? For that same all-in-one format (quality background info, news reporting and scientific literature) with a broad science theme, do try Science in Context, from the same parent company, Gale. The library … Continued
The Digital Loeb Classical Library
The library recently purchased The Digital Loeb Classical Library. What is it? A complete, and digitized, library of the Loeb classical volumes from Harvard University Press. Over 500 translations of classical works, containing either the original Latin or Greek, alongside an … Continued
Holiday Break
Best wishes from Ohrstrom Library for a restful and restorative Winter Break! The library will be open Wednesday, December 16th, and Thursday, December 17th, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. The library will be closed from Friday the 18th … Continued
Dear Latin 2,
Great to see you this morning! As you recall, highly recommended for this project is Suetonius’s The Caesars for chapter-length treatment on your chosen Caesar. The library owns several translations in print and online. The print versions are at the library, in the Jacq Room (main … Continued
Dear Latin 1,
Great to see you yesterday! As you recall from your research guide, when looking for modern images ARTstor and Britannica Image Quest (both purchased by the library) as well as the Digital Public Library of America and Europeana (both free-on-the-web sources) should be quite useful. For your … Continued