American West: Digital Archive
The American West The Ohrstrom Library is very happy to announce its purchase of the The American West. Created by Adam Matthew digital with content provided by the independent archives at The Newberry Library, this archive contains digital content related to … Continued
Liberty Magazine: Digital Archive
The library recently purchased the Liberty Magazine digital archive. What is this? Liberty Magazine ran from 1924-1950 and was a popular, weekly published, illustrated magazine. In the early 20th century U.S., illustrated magazines were widely read as a source of information, … Continued
Thanksgiving Recess
Best wishes from the library for a relaxing and scrumptious Thanksgiving Recess! The library will be open the Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving Recess week, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. The library’s digital collections are always open. … Continued
Dear Hum. V,
Updates to your Atomic Bomb Conference research guide! New this year: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (digital archive) Truman Presidential Library – (atomic bomb papers collection) Tips for searching Bard and Warren (the 2 hardest-to-find folk) searching .gov sites & Google … Continued
WWI Elective
Looking for content to support the Treaty of Versailles cosplay? A few recommendations, first, some eCollections purchased by the library: For international primary sources the First World War digital archive. For biographical research, the Biography Database : Over 435,000 biographies compiled from a variety … Continued