This photograph of the original School shows Dr. Shattuck’s house prior to the fire on July 21, 1878.
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Additional Information:
Dimensions: 575 x 447 pixels
File Type: image/jpg
File Size: 67.55 KB
Identifier: olda_000350
- Verso: <p>"Old Lower School" written in pencil along the top edge, and then crossed out in red ink with the word "wrong" written next to it. "Burned in 1878" written in ink below. A sticky note originally attached to the back, now in a separate sleeve, includes the following handwritten in blue ink: "Dr. Shattuck's summer home of 1856 additions were wing on the left and the large school room behind. Cupola above the wing is where lightning struck in July of 1878". A second sticky note, also originally attached to the back and now in a separate sleeve, includes the following handwritten in blue ink: "The Old Chapel is seen to the right."</p>
- Physical Details: <p>Photograph mounted on paper board.</p>
Original Dimensions: 8.5 X 6.75 inches (20.83 X 16.54 cm)
Rights: Public Domain
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Originally Published On: January 20th, 2016
Last Modified On: January 20th, 2016
Cite This Image:
"Dr. Shattuck’s House." St. Paul's School.
Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 11 Mar. 2025.